Tuesday 27 November 2012

I love changes

I felt so lucky in taking up extra credit hours for APK this semester, Semester 1 ~ 2012/2013.
Why? It's the 1st semester where the new APK education module is implemented.
I'm glad, finally UM see the relevance.

The first 4 weeks, the students will be having class with the lecturer for learning the entrepreneurship theory and model. I personally feel that the class is ordinary where the information can actually be found from text book.
I love Pn. Ponmalar, because she is determinant, caring, kind, funny nonetheless she always try to relate the theory to a real-time event in giving us an idea of what will be happening.

My APK class is suddenly enlighten by the mentor from Founder Labs, Bernard Hor.

In his class, I found myself gaining interests for being an entrepreneur and my learning curves goes exponentially.

"Punctual", " Stupid", "Honest"
These are the words I got from his class.
Punctuality does not simply means arriving exactly at the time appointed. It's more than that.
For example, if you have a class at 10am, you need to be in the class at least 5 minutes earlier.
Why? It's crucial to have some time to prepare and settle yourself.

Bernard called himself "Stupid". It doesn't mean he is stupid, but to keep himself humble to others.
Being a successful entrepreneur, one has to keep humble all the time nevertheless be honest.is very

The CEC Analysis is very useful in guiding us finding the 'real' problem. Getting a direction and setting a goal crucially important. Your goal must be "S.M.A.R.T.E.R",
Specfic, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely, Evaluate, Reevaluate/Redo.

Previously, my idea of running a business is just to generate profit by simply creating a new product / service.
Today, my mind has totally changed. "Your business idea has to be relevant."
How? We have meet the customer requirements by segmenting the target group.
I love the session when we were asked to go out from the class for customer outsourcing.
I personally found it very interesting where it's the actual time I hear the customer voices, their inner voice of what they need. Their requirements are varies from one to another, but at the same time, you could see the similar requirements among them.

Always bear in mind, start your business with minimum viable product (MVP), rapid prototyping (agilent development) and customer development. Last but not the least, build your startup with Good Question, Possible Solution and Awesome People.

I have decided to start my technopreneurship journey from Today!
Thank you, my dear lecturer, Pn. Ponmalar and my lovely mentor, Bernard Hor.

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