Tuesday 27 November 2012

APK is just got serious : Reflection

APK (Asas Pembudayan Keusahawanan) is a subject that teaches us how to run a business or be young entrepreneur, but sadly for UM students it more well known as subject that selling sirap or cake in the end semester, but for this semester APK is just got serious, we will not selling the cake,sirap, or t-shirt in the end of the semester. It turned out help us to expand our creativity in business world, and if we are lucky we can make it into real things.

I have learned many things for the past few weeks in this APK class. Our mentor,Mr.Bernard taught us a lot of things about the entrepreneurship and business world. The first class happened to be an eye opener for me in business field. Before this I have no interest and knowledge about entrepreneurship and business the reason is because business has a lot of risks that we must take, and i dont think i can take that. However Mr.Bernard induced my curiosity level towards this subject so i have willing to know more about this things, and he also said : just step out from your comfort zone and give it a shot, that make me more want to learn about business and all of its stuff.

and the other thing i like is, we can speak out our idea whether is stupid or nice idea, whether in English or Malay because according Mr.Bernard there's no right or wrong idea. In the end i just want to say, that I am glad to took this class. Before the APK class, I never know there's some steps to open a new business. For example, we have to verify the customer segment, key partners, key activity and etc. And our lecturers are very inspiring, they always give us so motivations and suggestion to improve ourselves,and i really enjoy the class for this past 12 weeks.


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