Wednesday 28 November 2012

APK 2.0 : Lesson learnt!

The first day I entered the class, I thought it was just another APK class, I was even ready with a business idea of what stuff I will sell during the APK Festival. Then suddenly this dude came in to the class saying how messed up the previous APK system was and revamping the whole system to something new. All of us were perplexed. We didn’t see this coming at all.

But then again,  it turns out that the APK this time, or APK 2.0 they call it is the best APK ever! I feel that I get the chance to learn so much more than those students who did APK in the previous semesters. I feel so lucky to be introduced to an awesome mentor, Bernard Hor. For the first time, I paid 100 percent attention on series of 2hour long lecture and be excited along the way. Every APK class feels like motivation booster that light up our spirits and the will to act! Its an amazing feeling really.

What I learned from him throughout APK 2.0 series were:

If you want something to happen, stop talking and thinking too much and start doing it.
The fastest way to be successful is to fail faster. Therefore you get to learn and improve faster.

I also learned about business model canvas as well. An amazing tool to represent your business idea as a whole, showing the relations of 9 blocks of segments namely customer segment, value preposition, channel, customer relation, key action, key resources, key parners, cost structure and revenue stream.
This tool really helped us to plan and develop our business idea.

Planning is just the initial part of executing, what is important is to hear directly from the customers and learn from the real market because planning is just a collection hypothesis and assumptions. The only way to know the truth and prove the theories is to meet the real market and test it ourselves. On one class, Bernard asked us to go outside the class and do market testing. He asked us to meet people and tell them about our idea and ask feedback from them. To our surprise, we did get a lot of feedback. Some are good comments, some are harsh critique, but we also get some feedback to improve our idea. So, based on this activity, we fixed our idea and the idea evolved into something better.

After that, we also learned that idea is just an abstract of concepts without any physical realization. We were taught that to better convince someone about your idea, you should realize in in a form of “Minimum Viable Product” meaning product with the minimum features to be launched and tested on the market. From there on, if the idea is of any value, people will respond and the team can move on to continuously improve the idea to perfection.

This makes sense because, an idea will remain as an unrealized idea unless we make a move and actually do action to make it into a real thing!

The most important value that you need to have to be a successful entrepreneur is HARDKNOCK. It means that you have to be able to endure hardships, challenges, and failures after failures but still be able to get up and strive for the ideas that you believed in.

I hope this new APK system will still be implemented so that many more young minds can be given the opportunity to unleash their untapped entrepreneurial potential that will create generations of change-makers! 

Tuesday 27 November 2012

One more thing! What do we need to do?

We have to the most important things a company must do to make our business model work.
We need to have a customer centric mindset will ensure our success.

Key Activity

Oh Wait! What do we need?

Oh Wait!
How can we create competitive advantage in acquiring or developing an attribute or combination of attributes that allow us to outperform our competitors?

We have to derermine our key resources!


I love changes

I felt so lucky in taking up extra credit hours for APK this semester, Semester 1 ~ 2012/2013.
Why? It's the 1st semester where the new APK education module is implemented.
I'm glad, finally UM see the relevance.

The first 4 weeks, the students will be having class with the lecturer for learning the entrepreneurship theory and model. I personally feel that the class is ordinary where the information can actually be found from text book.
I love Pn. Ponmalar, because she is determinant, caring, kind, funny nonetheless she always try to relate the theory to a real-time event in giving us an idea of what will be happening.

My APK class is suddenly enlighten by the mentor from Founder Labs, Bernard Hor.

In his class, I found myself gaining interests for being an entrepreneur and my learning curves goes exponentially.

"Punctual", " Stupid", "Honest"
These are the words I got from his class.
Punctuality does not simply means arriving exactly at the time appointed. It's more than that.
For example, if you have a class at 10am, you need to be in the class at least 5 minutes earlier.
Why? It's crucial to have some time to prepare and settle yourself.

Bernard called himself "Stupid". It doesn't mean he is stupid, but to keep himself humble to others.
Being a successful entrepreneur, one has to keep humble all the time nevertheless be very

The CEC Analysis is very useful in guiding us finding the 'real' problem. Getting a direction and setting a goal crucially important. Your goal must be "S.M.A.R.T.E.R",
Specfic, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely, Evaluate, Reevaluate/Redo.

Previously, my idea of running a business is just to generate profit by simply creating a new product / service.
Today, my mind has totally changed. "Your business idea has to be relevant."
How? We have meet the customer requirements by segmenting the target group.
I love the session when we were asked to go out from the class for customer outsourcing.
I personally found it very interesting where it's the actual time I hear the customer voices, their inner voice of what they need. Their requirements are varies from one to another, but at the same time, you could see the similar requirements among them.

Always bear in mind, start your business with minimum viable product (MVP), rapid prototyping (agilent development) and customer development. Last but not the least, build your startup with Good Question, Possible Solution and Awesome People.

I have decided to start my technopreneurship journey from Today!
Thank you, my dear lecturer, Pn. Ponmalar and my lovely mentor, Bernard Hor.

APK is just got serious : Reflection

APK (Asas Pembudayan Keusahawanan) is a subject that teaches us how to run a business or be young entrepreneur, but sadly for UM students it more well known as subject that selling sirap or cake in the end semester, but for this semester APK is just got serious, we will not selling the cake,sirap, or t-shirt in the end of the semester. It turned out help us to expand our creativity in business world, and if we are lucky we can make it into real things.

I have learned many things for the past few weeks in this APK class. Our mentor,Mr.Bernard taught us a lot of things about the entrepreneurship and business world. The first class happened to be an eye opener for me in business field. Before this I have no interest and knowledge about entrepreneurship and business the reason is because business has a lot of risks that we must take, and i dont think i can take that. However Mr.Bernard induced my curiosity level towards this subject so i have willing to know more about this things, and he also said : just step out from your comfort zone and give it a shot, that make me more want to learn about business and all of its stuff.

and the other thing i like is, we can speak out our idea whether is stupid or nice idea, whether in English or Malay because according Mr.Bernard there's no right or wrong idea. In the end i just want to say, that I am glad to took this class. Before the APK class, I never know there's some steps to open a new business. For example, we have to verify the customer segment, key partners, key activity and etc. And our lecturers are very inspiring, they always give us so motivations and suggestion to improve ourselves,and i really enjoy the class for this past 12 weeks.


My reflection about the course

Thank you for the generous and professional sharing of your knowledge and experience. Your sense of humour made us feel at ease right away. An enriching experience.I’ve learned loads and you’ve really enriched my understanding of entrepreneurship.

Monday 26 November 2012

Problem 2 Continued......


Well once we found a problem faced by many people who want to purchase certain items, we found that a very good solution would be a mobile app that would allow customers to have access to a centralized product database. Customers would be able to search for their desired products and then be able to find out all the various shops and malls they can find that item. A cool feature to include would be the ability of the app to automatically compare all the prices available and take into context the current location of the customer and decide the best place for him or her to purchase it.

Current System Research

With an idea at hand, we decided to look into the app market for any existing apps that can provide a similar service to the one we choose to offer. Immediately, we found quite a few apps that provide similar services but none of them were built for Malaysia. Also, very few took the customers location into context to find the nearest mall or shop. The link below shows some of the examples we found:

Where to go from here

As we have found out that there are many apps out there that are very close to what our solution is, we look at it as a good thing. First off, as there are no great shopping apps that are built for Malaysia, a huge user base exists that would look to use our app. Also, we do not need to start completely from scratch as there is a wide variety of apps that can give us the step up to develop a great shopping app.

Problem Statement 2

Problem: People do not know where to best purchase a certain consumer item.

There has always been a moment for all people living in Malaysia, let it be local or foreigners, in which they just do not know where to buy something that they really need and where they can find it for the cheapest price.

This is one of the other problems we have found while brainstorming as a group. Stay tuned for what we find in terms of a solution.

Sunday 25 November 2012


We had a 4th meeting, and this meeting is to create simple prototype of our project, and this is what we made  :

1. Wild unknown sign appeared !!

2. There is SNAP A SIGN come to the rescue 

3. User takes picture of the sign

4. SNAP !!

5. Translating and we decided to put some advertisement that related in travelling


7. We also provide history of signs that captured by users

8. And the best things is the users interaction, for sign that we don't have in our database, we ask users to help us, to determine what sign is that.

Technology is just at your finger tip :D

Survey oh Survey

If I'm not mistaken 2 or 3 weeks ago bernard did the most awesome thing ever, that never done by any lecturer in FSKTM (maybe), he told us to went you and did survey to real customers.And i think it is good things for us, 1 because we need some fresh air, 2 because i think it was the right way to teach us about APK, i mean APK is a practically subject that must involve us with some real costumers, so if we only learn theory in the class we will not get enough knowledge about it.Because bernard did this now we can face the real customers and we can get the responses and feedbacks of our project, so we know that we are still in the right trail of our project. 

So he only gave us 1 hour to do survey and we must at least interview 15 people. Therefore all of us scatter in pair, so we can done the survey quickly, for me and my partner we went to KPS, and we managed get 12 people, from 12 people we got several positive and negative responds.

and these are the responds we got

Positive :
  • Good Idea, and we hope you guys release the application quickly
  • Awesome thing, it can really help us the foreigner, because we all like to go travelling
  • Nothing better then free application
  • Very convenience it saves time, because we cannot understand native language of the country

Negative :
  • Not very effective, we just can guess what sign is that 
  • What is i dont have smart phone ?
  • Some countries dont have same sign
  • Most of the sign is written in english, so we dont neec the app
and also from the survey we got some suggestion from customers that i think can improve our app
like : 
  • It will be better if we put travel advice like places suggestion
  • and add GPS so people will not get lost
so that is all from me :))

My Reflection - How I Was Happily Surprised

When I sat down for my first class of Basis of Entrepreneurship Skills, honestly I was really looking forward to setting up a stall and selling stuff at the end of the semester. I always thought the idea that we can actually make money in a course quite enticing. But boy was I in for a shock.

The first few weeks of lectures were, in my opinion, the same as all the previous semesters. We learned about various things like ethics and planning for businesses. It seemed kind of bland but it was interesting enough. Hands off to Puan Ponmalar for keeping us well awake during classes with her interesting examples. It was not until the fourth week that we were informed that we would actually not be setting up any stalls and that a representative from the industry was going to give us some mentoring. Honest to say, I was not happy. It came as quite a shock.

I came into class on the day of our first mentors' class with apprehension. I was expecting to see some old guys from some firm to give us a boring lecture. But boy was I surprised to see quite a young guy was our mentor. From the word go, I was hooked. His way of lecturing and handling us was refreshing. It was the first class where  my eyes were glued to the lecturer for the full two hours.

We learned a lot over the next few weeks. It wasn't the same old theory lectures but it was like we were actually being mentored. We were not taught to sell pancakes at a stall but to we were taught to look at the bigger picture. How we can use our best skills to become a good entrepreneur. There was some lessons to be learned, like how to come up with a good proposal and to keep it short as well. One of the hallmarks of the semester was when we actually moved out of the lecture hall and into the lobby to work on out Business Canvas. It was a more practical way of getting things done. It was also great to see some guests from FoundersLab come in a give us some tips and trends on the way business was moving in the field of computer science. It felt that the course had become more customized towards the type of students we are.

More so than the lectures, Bernard, our mentor, kept emphasizing on TIME and how little of it we had left. This sense of urgency gave me the most important thing to take away from this course and that was the MOTIVATION to get out and actually start doing something productive.

In the end, all I can say is that I have no regrets that the system of APK has changed.

Our Creation, "Our Cookies"!


Business Model Canvas "The 9 Blocks"

Saturday 24 November 2012

APK, The Story So Far : A Reflection

It has been almost 12 weeks since I first sitting in the first APK class of the semester. And in this post I am going to share what I have learned so far by spending two hours each week sitting in the same classroom. This post is my reflection of what I have experienced so far.

To be honest, my expectation of the class was not that high, all I know from my seniors is that this class will be like another ordinary class. They said that in APK class later I will need to sell some stuffs, such as t-shirts, food, drinks, or whatever kind of thing so that we can make money. That was the idea of APK that I get from my seniors.

Little did I know, the syllabus of APK has been changed into something new, fresh. University of Malaya have reinvented Asas Pembudayaan Keusahawanan and taking it into the next level. APK class is not merely about university students selling "kerupuk lekor" in front of the KPS anymore (as Bernard, the tutor, said in one of the class). APK is about our way of thinking, creating solutions for the problems in our surrounding. APK is about the culture of entrepreneurship.

Monday 19 November 2012

Customer Development

Today, I share our idea with a foreigner.
He reminds me of the idea that I have thought before.

Our product can be easily developed and implemented by using the method of Digital Image Processing with the method of Optical Character Recognition(OCR).
After we have recognized the wordings, we can actually link it to Goolge Translator to translate the word, phrase or sentence.

Why NOT? =D

Monday 12 November 2012

Image Recognition Technology

To give you some insights of how our "World Sign Translator" going to be, we are happy to show you this video :

The video has the example of the core technology that we are going to use in our product, image recognition technology.

This video is coming from IQ Engines, the name of the product is VisionIQ.

What this software capable to do is, as quoted from the website :

"IQ Engines provides image recognition software that can identify the content in virtually any photo. We provide this software to developers and provide a simple way to integrate image recognition capabilities into mobile applications. Our customers include retailers, media companies and mobile app developers who are using IQ Engines to power visual search, shopping, content discovery and other apps."

Basically this VisionIQ provides the platform of image recognition, their customers are using their engine in order to do something like visual search, content discovery, etc.

We are going to need this kind of technology to be applied in our product, World Sign Translator. And the next step is to develop the apps. The core technology is similar with this VisionIQ, but we will implement this for road signs, and then it will check our database and finally translate it to the user-desired language. Making it possible for people to snap picture of road signs and then understand it without any difficulty. Cool, eh? ;)

Sunday 11 November 2012

Customer Development

Again, I shared with my friend about "The World Sign Translator".
She suggested that maybe we can add voice recognition features into our Apps.

The reason behind is to ease the communication between native speaker and non-native speakers.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Customer Development

The more you share, the more you get.

I was talking to my coursemates and mentioned about "The World Sign Translator". Most of them are giving positive feedbacks on this Apps.
However, the same feedback that is keep repeating created a common phenomenon on customers' concerns. They suggested that the apps should adds text search functions instead of a single function that captures the photos.

This issue leads me to think about the value propositions of our product.
Capturing the picture of the sign boards is magnificently awesome!
This is because not every words in this world we are capable to write. For example, Japanese, Korean and Thai!

Do you think so? So buy our PRODUCT! =D

Thursday 8 November 2012

Customer Development

Today I talked to one of my roommates and share with him about "The World Sign Translator".
He gave me an instinct or I would say it's a realisation of the product.
He shared with me that usually the foreigners especially the tourists wouldn't spend their money to buy the data plan and roaming just for a few days of travel.

Friday 19 October 2012

Our First Problem:

Problem Statement: 
Foreigners cannot understand signs written in national language.

Hopefully that is eight words or less....

Our Solution:

We thought of creating a mobile app that can use the camera to detect the text written in signs and notices and then translate them online.

Analyzing the solution:

After presenting our solution, we came to a few speed bumps. We came across the problem of how many foreigners actually owned smartphones and the requirement of a data plan.

It was suggested to us to use QR code, which would work quite well. A flagship smartphone would not be required to use QR Codes. 
Also having a built in translator would reduce the requirement of the internet. Only if the built in translator cannot sufficiently translate a sign, then it can connect to the internet.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Our Brain Trust

Group Leader: 

Johnson Yeap


Naveed F. Ahmad


Muhammad Fauzal Rizki


Bintang Pamunkas


Risky Malano


Yagouba Diallo